Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Whos Ugly?

I saw on the news that someone did a study and they wanted to put the results  in a nationally published psychology magazine. The magazine was declining. Why? Because the study said that black women were considered ugly! Wow, not only is that unbelievably racists, but sounds like a huge waste of research time! After all, beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  The commentator on the news, coincidentally a Black man said, "these are my sisters, my cousins and my mother!" No one thinks their own family is ugly. When a baby is born the parents know immediately that this is the most beautiful child that ever lived.
    Of course we are not blind, most of the time. We see our families for who they are, looks aside. They are who we love. Why would a study be done to see who is "ugly?' Is it so that someone can sell the results? What would they do with these results?  Everyone already knows beautiful girls sell cars, toothpaste, cereal and cosmetics. But have you noticed lately the people in the ads seem to be more "regular"? Not all one color, not even all women. Men are selling more products now, not just power tools. Yogurt, pet food, gourmet fast foods and cars are sold with men and even whole families in the ads.
   I look for people of color in the ads. Try this little test. One night while watching TV, don't turn off the commercials. Watch and make note, any Black women or men? Any Asian or Hispanic peoples in these ads? What are the products that use peoples of color? If there are five children in an ad, I have seen the ratio be 3 White, one Black and one Asian or Hispanic. The boy and girl ratio is mixed among all the kids. When there are 2 adult people exchanging information in an ad and one is Black and one is White, the White person usually has the information and is sharing it with the Black person.  Maybe this is just the commercials I see. Are you seeing something different?
    So what am I talking about ,you want to know!? Not sure just noticing what is being fed to us as far as race goes. Why were they doing that study?


  1. Do you have a link to the study?

  2. no, I do not have a link. We saw it on the local channel in NY. They did put it on the website of Psychology Today, but withdrew it when many people objected.

  3. I found a repost of some of the article here. http://conversations.blackvoices.com/entertainment/99435682aaea4564b24369ed6fc90973/sistas-they-still-s%20.../5241bb8866a545a7aafefe26b6268e01?sn=3
